gift of hearing

Our Story
Through the generosity of our donors, we have changed the lives of many deaf children and adults over the past 27 years.
The Foundation was established in 1997 with a God-given vision* to make a difference in deaf education.
Since our inception, part of our vision has been to assist impoverished families with fundraising for cochlear implants, hearing aids, school bursaries and professional support for their deaf children.
Over the years, our vision has expanded to not only help deaf children but also deaf adults with the high cost of cochlear implants.
Giving a deaf child the gift of hearing is an exceptional privilege.
To see them included in mainstream schools and in society at large, acquiring normal spoken language, gives purpose to our God-given vision.
Hearing connects
us with life.
*The vision was originally given to the founder, Nico Van der Merwe in 1992 and the Foundation was formed in 1997.
Modern Technology
Inclusive education and
the gift of hearing
With the help of modern technology (early identification of hearing loss, hearing aids, cochlear implants and classroom amplification systems), a child born deaf today has the opportunity to hear and develop spoken language.
Therefore, the Foundation established an Educational Complex (Eduplex) in Pretoria, South Africa, which serves as a model for inclusive education internationally.
Here, deaf children learn alongside their normal hearing friends – without the use of sign language.
“What you are
doing here, is changing
tragedy into triumph”
Opening of the Eduplex March 2002. ©